View your Facebook friends on map and find more about them! With the app, you can view your friend location map and their checkin map, with their pictures as map markers. Tapping the picture marker, you can view the friend's detail information: hometown, birthday, bio, quotes, and their interests music, tv, moviet, and more...Simply move the map the friend will pop up automatically based on where they are.
Features: location map: display friend's profile locations checkin map: display friends checkin location list view of the friends with profile picture and location info detail view for a friend with the detail informationTips In the list view, tap a friend's name to view the detail information. tap the location to view the map. On the map view, move the app will search friends automatically To refresh friend info, press menu => "Reload Friends". press menu => "Checkin Map" to view checkin mapGive a try, you might feel something special once you see them on map.